I'd like to say a few words on gossip today. I recently read two articles about it and both of them point out the effectiveness of it for establishing the "social norm" and for "bolstering self confidence and self esteem" And so on and so on and blah blah and blah.....Now, I don't know if all that's true <but you've got me and baby I've got youuuuuu.....> oops I digress>>>But it is an interesting topic.
I, for one, certainly believe that gossip is absolutely necessary to the common good!!
I think that gossip occurs because someone has forgotten kindergarten rules. Or playground rules. Or moral rules. And people notice and get pissed and comment on it. She is a bitch because she isn't polite; he is an idiot because he is so self absorbed. They are so sickening because their pdas have become sooo excessive.
All the lessons we learned in school should somehow be part of us by time we're grown ups.
For example, just the other day, during a faculty meeting, one woman talked all through and over the speaker during the whole first half of the meeting. so much so that those of us around her couldn't hear much. However, when it came to something she wanted to hear, she actually had the nerve to raise her hand to complain that it was too loud for her to hear it!!!!! What??? Nonsense!!! Kindergarten rule broken. Be quiet when other people are talking.
Do you think people gossiped about this person the next day? AAAAAAA yup.
Gossip actually makes people personally responsible for their words and deeds! HUH? Let me repeat that. YOU NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU SAY AND DO!!!! or the rest of us are going to talk about you. hehehehe
Some people i know refuse to gossip because they are "positive people" and "understanding individuals". PUKE >>>>Bull hockeys. Gossip isn't a "negative" force. Its a force for a positive change. Accepting inane behavior got this country into the fix we are in now. And I blame our generation, the flower power people, because we invented being so acceptable of intolerable behavior; after Nixon resigned of course..
We should and can forgive kids anything, they are still learning, but stupid adults??? Come on. Forgiving them does nothing to help society along. And let's face it, their nonsensical behavior makes us NUTS and if we didn't gossip about it and vent about it and talk about it we might EXPLODE over it.. <sweet smile> And then we might break some of the playground rules ourselves!
So therefore, in my opinion, gossip is a way for people to reinforce what they believe are common values.. Plus it's a lot of fun!!!