Have you seen Mike and Molly? Cute show........insecurities we all feel, no matter what size we are........but how about Swoozie as the mom??? Good lord, she looks like an anorexic meth addict gone to seed. And all she talks about is "sausages" and "tunnels of love" and other ridiculous euphemisms for sex parts and sex acts. This show got me thinking about how the common mother is viewed by the media these days?.
What I want to know is when did moms turn in mooms? Mooms being a derogatory term I have just made up meaning brainless morons? When did moms hand over the reins to the kids? Are these shows subconsciously or consciously depicting mothers as less bright than their children?
In the olden days, meaning when i was growing up, the tv moms, though patronizing for sure to their madmen- like husbands, were fountains of wisdom, grace, and beauty. They were perfect! They were plastic for sure, but at least they embodied some kind of values. The took care of themselves, their home and their kids.
I, for one, would really prefer June Lockhart to whoever plays the moom in Modern Family! The moom on this show appears to be in competition with her daughters for both looks and brains!!!! How does that happen? I have two beautiful daughters of my own and have never felt the need to compete with them. My job was to raise them to be strong, intelligent and caring individuals. Not flirt with their boyfriends!
Even Marge Simpson is a better mom!
People may say that this is just entertainment, and not meant to be taken seriously. But tv is also social commentary. And it is a sad day for the common good when moms are acting like mooms.
Is this why they are trying to enact laws which take away woman's rights and protections? Because they want to portray us as addled and ridiculous? Meaning we can't be in charge of our own minds and bodies??? Hmmmmmmmmmmm is there a conspiracy going on here????
To all the good moms I know who are both working and caring for their family I say "hallelujah!" And to all the people who think that these mooms on tv represent anyone real, or want our women to be like them i say "fartheads!"
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